Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just getting started !!

Well to start, I'm new to this whole blog thing so it might take me a little bit to get the hang of it and be some-what good !! lol I started this for a couple reasons. One being, my friend Marcy, who actually designed my page for me (thank you!! =)), two, I figured I could use this as "my place" to vent and get things off my chest instead of using Facebook., don't get me wrong, I love facebook but, sometimes it gets a little boring! And third, I'm just random !!! Haha one minute I will probably post about how nothing could go wrong in my life, and it would sound so happy and then two minutes later I'll probably be bitching about something dumb I heard someone say or do !!! I'm all over the place haha ..

I decided to name my blog "My days are blessed" because I really think they are! Every day I get to wake up is a gift from god !! (No I am not religious but I do believe in God) I have a pretty good life I think. I am healthy (could be better but nothing that's life threatening), I have a good job, a place to live, a wonderful boyfriend-who also has a good job, a beautiful, happy, healthy son ... and i'm truly just BLESSED!! I have very few but very AMAZING friends. (Marcy being one of them !!) =) and an amazing supportive family !! Best friends is a term I have grown to dislike over the past couple years so I'm probably gonna stick to using "good friends." Not really sure if I'll ever find that 1 friend who I can truly call my BEST FRIEND! I just don't think people value the things I do as a friend and just take me for granted. Enough about that!!

I will probably talk about my son alot on here !! I spend my days, nights, weekends, well ... all the time with him !! lol he's my everything =) He makes me smile when i'm sad, mad, anything!! He just makes everything better when it's not! I never thought my dream of becoming a mother would come true then May 27, 2009 I found out I was wrong !! This has been the best thing (besides meeting Willis, my bf) that has ever happened to me. The love I feel for this little person that I grew inside me, is beyond anything I ever thought I would be capable of let alone be experiencing every day!! He is just perfect! He is the best baby I could have ever asked for ! =) He's perfect for us !!

Think i'm gonna wrap up the infamous "first post" .. I think i'm gonna like this whole blogging thing !! =)


  1. :) I love this!! You have such a beautiful family!! And congrats on starting a blog!! (It really is addicting!)

  2. Thank you lady!! I love my little family =) And I'm starting to get the hang of it, .. I think !! LOL I might be askin you for some help here and there haha



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