Thursday, May 5, 2011

Introducing my little man!!

Well here he is !! This is Dre'lyn Joseph! He just turned 15 months on the 28th =) This would be the little one I was referring to in my first post! He is the most beautiful little boy to me!! He is my heart and soul =) He looks exactly like his daddy lol .. which is okay with me cuz I think daddy is pretty handsome too ;) I can't believe Dre' is almost 1 1/2 already. It's crazy to think about because I still remember the moment he was born, like it was yesterday!! I had a wonderful first pregnancy !! I didn't have any complications (throughout my pregnancy anyways), no cravings (although willis did get those lol), nothing ... it was amazing! I loved EVERY minute of it !! Well, right up until about the last 3-4 weeks, then I was definitely ready to get it over with lol. I worked 40+ hours a week right up until the day before I went into labor! I was a little slower but I still got up EVERY day and went to work !! One thing I will never forget about when I was pregnant is, Dre' was ALWAYS layin on my right side. He was never once on my left side. He would curl up into a little ball and the side of my belly would be all poked out lol .. I loved it !! I loved watchin him move around in there and feeling him kick and stuff !! It was just amazing! Now the labor on the other hand ..... well, that was good too. I had a couple complications that almost led to a C-section, well, Dre' had complications not me, but thankfully a Dr. I didn't know and hadn't seen just came out of nowhere and took care of everything so I wouldn't have to have a C-section. I was really upset when I heard that news !!! Nothing against them, but I just wanted to be able to have him myself !! And I did =) If I knew then what I knew now, it wouldn't have been the happiest first few minutes he was born (Dre' wasn't breathing on his own when he was born.) I of course, didn't know that at the time, I was too distracted with other things and I just assumed he was gettin cleaned up etc,.. but later found out that he didn't breathe for about 5-6 minutes =( It's heartbreaking to think about now but I'm definitely glad I didn't know that at the time. It would have just made the situation worse for me because I KNOW how I am and I woulda been up OFF that bed and goin to my son. But anyways he was born 7lbs 4oz 20in long at 2:07am on January 28th, 2010!!! It was one of the best days of my life !! =) He was born a happy, healthy baby boy with the most beautiful brown eyes and TONS and TONS of hair !!!! =) Now he's walking, starting to talk and ALL over the place haha .. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!! He is amazing and willis and I couldn't feel more blessed to have such a healthy, happy little boy to care for !!! Just wanted to introduce the little man !!!

Have a good day everyone =) 


  1. Eeepp! I didn't know Dre wasn't breathing!! Ugh, I feel ya, I would have been freaking out if they had told me one of my girls wasn't breathing so it was prob a good thing they didn't say anything. Plus not like there was anything you could do, they needed to tend to Dre without any distractions from a freaked out mama.

    Motherhood truly is amazing, isn't it? How it completely turns your life around, but in an amazing way =)

  2. Yes it sure does!! I love being a mommy, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!!

    Yeah he wasn't breathing, they said the contractions were stressing him out. One of the minor issues during labor was, every time I had a contraction his heartrate would go up and they couldn't keep it down, it was just too much for him. But he is wonderful now !!! No health problems or nothing, I think he was just scaring everyone so they would bring him out to see his mommy sooner !!! =) lol



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