Monday, May 9, 2011


Ok so I have an interesting topic to debate !! Here it goes ...

How do you feel about disciplining your child(ren)? Do you believe in spanking them? How do you discipline in your home?

-I would like to hear what other people have to say about this topic. With the way they teach children in school these days about Child Protective Services and 911, I know alot of people are scared to discipline because they are afraid their children will be taken away. But isn't that, in the long run, making it worse?

Here in our home, we discipline our 1 year old. When he was younger we started with slappin his little hands when he would touch things we wasn't supposed to. Now that he's getting older, we still smack his hands but he does also get an occasional tap or two on the diaper. Growing up, I was spanked when I did something wrong and so was Willis. We were never "beat" but yes we were punished. I personally feel. There is nothing wrong with giving your children a slap on the diaper if need be. NO, I do NOT believe in beating your child. Especially with objects of any sort. I think a firm hand on the rear-end is sufficient. Do we spank him all the time? NO, but when it's necessary yes!

I feel that if you do not discipline your child when they are young, and teach them right from wrong, then when will you? When they are being hauled into a juvenille facitlity or off to jail at 16?! That may be a little drastic to think about when Dre'lyn is only 1 but, if we don't teach him now, it will only lead to the bigger things right ?!!?

I just wanted to get other people's opinions on this subject !!

I think I'm goin to make Monday's my "debate day," lol every Monday I will post something that to debate!!

Thank you all for your opinions. Remember, these are just people's opinions and everyone is entitled to one. If you don't agree, you can say that but don't bring drama, to my blog or we'll have issues !! Thanks !! =)


  1. No children of course lol. But I agree with you and will do the same when I have kids...Back in the day discipline was spankings and such and those folks turned out just fine! Now you can't touch your child without it being severly wrong. I believe this is causing more and more children to act out, uncontrollably because the parents cannot touch them. We are lucky we even get to hug our children without someone trying to take kids away... I'm afraid it'll even come to that because it is getting out of hand. Yes, discipline must be taught at an early age. Every single fact backs up this: as children grow, the amount you can influence them shrinks. If you start at 16.... good luck.

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  3. Anonymous, I agree completely! We feel like it's our responsibility to teach our son right from wrong and how are we supposed to that without teaching him discipline and making him listen. I feel the problem these days is, parents are more worried about being their child's friend, and wanting their kids to like then instead of being their parent first. Don't get me wrong, like I said, we do NOT beat our son or anything like that and I do plan on using other forms of discipline when he gets older such as, timeouts, sending him to his room, taking away things,.. but right now with him being so small, this is where it starts for us !! I appreciate your comment and your opinion !! Thank you =)

  4. I agree with ya pretty much. We didn't start "popping" Makayla on the hand til a few months ago, a firm NO was a pretty good reference for her lol. But, now and then she needs it. I think my husband is better at being firm in discipline than I am though, he's given her a butt pop a couple of times for being really mean to her sister, but that to me is sort of counter-productive because if she's hitting her sister, and we tell her no she cant do that and pop her, then she must get confused as to why mommy and daddy can hit but she cant, ya know? Jaz has gotten a few decent spankings in her years. No really serious ones of course. I def don't believe in beating your kids. That will do absolutely no good in the end. All kids are different though, some kids spanking has no affect on, and others just a firm tone of voice upsets them. So what may work for some may not for others, and I think society needs to be reminded of that ya know?

    I got some real good woopins when I was a kid. It didn't really do me any good later on because I rebelled, but my dad was way old school so I pretty much got to go out and pick my branch lol. I'd never do that to my kids, but that was the way when he was growing up.



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